We exist to LOVE God and others, to SHARE faith and life,
and to DISCIPLE others. We want to become a church family that embodies the greatest
commandments (Matthew 22:37-40) while living into the great commission (Matthew 28:18-20).
In other words, we want our church family to reflect the priorities of Jesus’ life.
Jesus consistently modeled a life that was devoted first to God, secondly to his community of faith, and thirdly to the world desperately in need of God’s love (Luke 6:12-19).
and to DISCIPLE others. We want to become a church family that embodies the greatest
commandments (Matthew 22:37-40) while living into the great commission (Matthew 28:18-20).
In other words, we want our church family to reflect the priorities of Jesus’ life.
Jesus consistently modeled a life that was devoted first to God, secondly to his community of faith, and thirdly to the world desperately in need of God’s love (Luke 6:12-19).
Jesus made it clear that there is no higher priority than our relationship with God. Jesus modeled this truth and taught this truth.
As a church family, we seek to live this out in several ways:
Jesus also modeled and taught that a deep love for God would always lead to a deep love for people. Jesus modeled this love first towards his community of faith (disciples), and then towards a world in desperate need of a loving God.
As a church family, we seek to live this out in several ways:
As a church family, we seek to live this out in several ways:
- We are committed to gathering to worship together every Sunday. We seek to worship not only when we gather together as a church family, but also as we serve God’s Kingdom every day.
- We are committed to pursuing God with friends and family each day.
- We are committed to listen to & obey God each day.
Jesus also modeled and taught that a deep love for God would always lead to a deep love for people. Jesus modeled this love first towards his community of faith (disciples), and then towards a world in desperate need of a loving God.
As a church family, we seek to live this out in several ways:
- We are committed to building a close family through Sunday morning gatherings, prayer, investing in our youth, and more.
- We are committed to serving locally, nationally, and globally. We have a responsibility before God to serve those who are in need. This includes our church family but stretches far beyond the walls of our building. (James 1:27).
- We are committed to sharing the gospel with those who do not yet love Jesus. We want to be known as a church that loves and cares for anyone who is hurting, down and out, or alone. We are a body of broken people, who desperately need the grace and love of our Savior, Jesus Christ. One of our deepest desires is to be a welcoming, loving family. Regardless of where you are or where you have been, we welcome everyone who is seeking a relationship with Jesus.
Acts 2:42-47 is a beautiful description of the life of the church. For those early belivers, being part of the church meant much more than attending services on Sunday-the believers shared life together daily.
As a church family, we seek to live this out in several ways
As a church family, we seek to live this out in several ways
- We are committed to building deeper relationships and doing life with each other in Share Groups, Heartfelt Groups, and other gatherings outside of our building. We will celebrate, mourn, rejoice in, and grieve any of life's moments with each other. We won't do life alone.
- We are committed to sharing our faith through programs like VBS, Celebrate Recovery, CHRISTeens, prison ministry work, counseling services, and Renew College Ministry.
- We commit to being a body of believers who share our faith by participating in serving the church. We will work together helping those in our family, the planning and work of the church, and serving our community with whatever needs might need to be met.
Finally, Jesus taught and modeled that his mission is our mission — to make disciples of all nations. We are passionate about carrying out Jesus’ mission (Matthew 28:19-20). We believe that every person, who is committed to following Jesus, should be in the process of being transformed into the image of Christ.
As a church family, we seek to awaken the movement that Jesus began in several tangible ways:
As a church family, we seek to awaken the movement that Jesus began in several tangible ways:
- We are committed to making disciples in our own church, our community, and in the world.
- We partner with faithful ministries committed to bringing God's Kingdom to Earth.
- We actively show and tell the world about the goodness of God's love by meeting both physical and spiritual needs locally and globally.